Friday, December 2, 2011

Haiti and Haitian Vodou! Why you Vodou/ Voodoo?

One must ask themselves what is it about Vodou that draws people?
Many things can be said about Jean Betrande Arisitide, but the one thing that he gave to Haiti before his oust was Vodou as the nations Official Religion!

As a child I remember that whenever someone I met learned that I was Haitian the question that followed was Do you do Vodou?  Do you know "that stuff"?  Although they seemed scared they were in fact fascinated! 

The reality is that Vodou, provides an avenue to tap into the individuals power!  We are told to look towards outside sources when everything we need is within!

So many have tried to blame the earthquake on the practitioners in Haiti.  The give this religion all types of negative associations, but the fact of the matter is that it is time for change!   The people are tired!  Haiti has been given all sorts of names, outlaws, devil- worshippers, corrupt, and stripped of their dignity.  Haiti was once called the Pearl of the Antilles, but others came in and told them what they were doing and how they were living were not good enough for their standards. 

People still travel from all around the world searching for healing, because we realize that we must be obedient to and with Universal, and Natural Laws.

These ceremonies were performed as a cry to return, back to the Source, but where can one find it!
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