Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mont Carmel...Sodo...Patron Saint of Haiti

On July 16th hundreds from all around travel to Sodo in Haiti

some on an annual pilgrimage to the church of Mont Carmel, and the waterfall to where the Saint is said to appear.  I remember my first trip to this hill.   I was 9 years old in a foreign country. It was experience like none before.  We traveled hours from Leogane on dirt hills, back roads, and mountains.  We reached there were no known hotels, and we asked among the residents of the town for a space to rent during our stay. No running water, just a plot and an outhouse.  Humbling to say the least. The streets were busy with folk, those who bought cows, pigs, and sheep for sacrifice paraded among the street.

The next day we were dressed in sky blue and white, and went to the church.  Masses of people were all around.  I have been to church before, but have not attended a service like this.  Those who held flowers, others with pictures, of loved ones, and those spoke with great conviction.  The crowd gathered and started a procession around the church, singing and dancing.

Then was the highlight of the trip, we walked up the trail to the heart of Sodo,

again many gathered singing, telling stories, and jokes.  We got on a donkey as much as I tried to stir it in the other direction.  The ass stay near the edge of the cliff.  As we approached we were greeted by a gangan, ready to give fortune, or supplies.  The crowd continued to gather.  The intent was to give it back all the trials, and tribulations to saint.  As the ice cold pounded and washed away your sins.

May God bless Haiti.  It is the only place that I know where nature is heralded and held with reverence.  We all have heard of baptism, where we are said to receive a rebirth, and communion with GOD.  I have yet to see spirituality like this.   One could say that Haiti faces its trails and tribulations, because the people embrace, and hold on to what is sacred.  Believers still have holy days.

Niagara Falls is said to be one of the 7 wonders, and truly a sight to see.  As the boat approached the falls.  It seemed like an apocalypse,  but we were in the safety of a boat that would bring us back to land. It is said that women used to travel to the Niagara to meditate.  

Could it be that we are so disconnected, because of we lack to be in touch with nature?  
So if you can't make it to Sodo this year, maybe visit a waterfall, or light a candle this July 16th. Ayibobo!


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