Monday, January 23, 2012

La Sirene, Yemaya, Mother of the Seas?

2011 was an awakening year for me.  I had this interesting dream,  the scene began near a beach a colleague of me was getting married and we were walking having a light conversation.  She is originally from Columbia has black, long, flowing hair, and perhaps we were coming from her wedding because she had a white flowing dress  I did not noticed her feet or her shoes but we walked to what seemed like the edge of the world, the sun was setting, and shimmered over a calm body of water as she began to tell me the story of the origin of slavery and a description of the ships and where they docked and I could not help but think why is she telling me this story and now I think of know why?  I am thankful for the guidance.

Once I made the decision to fully serve then I began doing some research.   How can you study Voodoo without an understanding of the its culture, and history, but it seems that the Revolution was only won because of Vodoo, and the slavery of the people upon the settling of Christopher Columbus.  Slavery seems to be the underlying factor when it come to black people and this idea prevails throughout historical texts until....  One day I watched a lecture by Booker T. Coleman and he said you can't understand 1492 until you understand the Inquisition, and in order to understand the Inquisition you must know about the Golden Age of the Moors!!!   The Moors???   The dream, then unravelled...

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